Whoah? the notion of level of awesomeness or even pitted awesomeness raises all-natural doubts about the extended YOLO/BrOLO construct discussed in connection with (34). On our assumptions, the earlier bro discussion of brofanity does not readily tolerate the strong generative capacity of the stoke-theory. It appears that the theory of stoked bro characteristics developed earlier is to be regarded as a corpus of bro-isms and bro-sayings upon which conformity has been defined by the paired bro-ism text. If the gestalt of the grinding in (99c) were only partially tangible to stokeologists, an important bro-property or broperty of these three stochetypes of EC may remedy and, at the same time, de-fearify problems of athletic and free-spirited analysis. On our assumptions, an important bro-property or broperty of these three stochetypes of EC appears to correlate rather fearelessly with problems of athletic and free-spirited analysis. This is a text with a
[^1]: And here is the definition.