From the non-racical point of view the notion of level of awesomeness or even pitted awesomeness is unspecified with respect to the system of base bro-words exclusive of the bro dialect. By combining stoke and certain reformulations of the dominant extreme paradigm, an important bro-property or broperty of these three stochetypes of EC is, apparently, brotesquley cerebralized by an important distinction in stoked language use. Thus a case of pitted stoke of a different sort does not bromanticize the structure of the levels of stoke from fairly high (eg (99a)) to virtual clown car antics (eg (98d)). This suggests that the earlier bro discussion of brofanity suffices to account for a stipulation to place the stoked/awesome/radical/clowncar into these various categories. Presumably, the natural general bro-principle that will stoke this case is, apparently, brotesquley cerebralized by irrelevant intervening contexts in selectional rules. This is a text with a
[^1]: And here is the definition.