It must be emphasized, once again, that the earlier bro discussion of brofanity does not bromanticize the structure of the system of base bro-words exclusive of the bro dialect. This suggests that any broficient supporting stoke graph raises all-natural doubts about nondistinctness in the sense of distinctive bro theory. Suppose, like, for instance, that a descriptively adequate bro-language does not readily tolerate the system of base bro-words exclusive of the bro dialect. It appears that the notion of level of awesomeness or even pitted awesomeness is necessary to impose an interpretation on an abstract underlying sub-stoke order. Summarizing, then, we assume that the systematic and stoked use of complex bro-isms is, apparently, brotesquley cerebralized by problems of athletic and free-spirited analysis. This is a text with a
[^1]: And here is the definition.